When creating items for sale such as crafts or unique and exclusive hand-made products, it can be a little tough to get the word out about your shop. Many crafters will rely on sites such as Etsy or their personal site to make their sales. However, appearing at craft fairs and similar events can be a huge marketing boost for your company.
When looking at the expenses of appearing in a craft fair, you should take care to make a budget that includes all of your expenses — everything from renting the booth to putting up your marketing materials.
Table Top Displays
Tabletop displays can include a variety of retail signage options. Custom signs can sit above your table, creating an arch, if the venue allows for tall signs. However, you can also use small eye-catching signs that sit on top of the table.
Rely on tabletop displays and other retail signage to communicate what you’re all about. The people at craft fairs are often interested in making ongoing purchases or finding a vendor that they like and can refer friends too. That means your signage needs to convey important information such as your website, email, or even where to find your store. The font should be easy to read, and the colors should pop.
Create Consistency
Many people forget that all of their signage should match their brand, voice, and goals consistently. Even if your sign is only for the craft fair, it should look like all of your other signage in terms of color, font, and major design factors. That said, you should look for ways to create a contrast to those around you.
If you know that your booth will sit between two brands that have a similar color scheme, you might choose to stand out.
Retail Signage Options for You
A custom commercial sign designer can help you evaluate the design options that would have the biggest impact at your location. Speak with a retail signage expert to explore the opportunities for signs within small spaces, or that are only for temporary use.
Ideally, your signs will be eye-catching and lead to more sales. Craft fairs are often a big risk for vendors because they’re expensive. You need your signs to do part of the sales work for you so you can focus the people stopping at your booth.
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