A sign standoff isn’t always the go-to option, but it can serve well for signs that won’t need frequent updating or movement. The hardware that keeps up long-term signs must be sturdy, and as mildly invasive to your establishment as possible. Keep up with your signage needs by ensuring that you’re using the right hardware for the right type of sign.

What is a Sign Standoff?

The sign standoff is the hardware that holds up these signs. It’s typically a barrel, wall screw, and cap that fit through holes in the corners of vinyl or hard plastic signs. It will usually keep them within a few inches of a wall, making them out-of-the-way but still clearly visible.

There are additional options for a sign standoff such as an edge-grip, which does not require you to have holes in your sign. Many businesses are now choosing this option in an effort to increase the display options for the signs that they have had custom designed.

Is Sign Standoff Exclusively Custom?

Signs that will stand for months or even years are often custom-designed. You want specific materials that will last for a long duration of time and are easy to maintain because sign standoffs keep signs close to walls you want to ensure that it’s easy to clean between them as well.

When Do You Need a Long-Term Sign?

Long-term signs can help people know their way around, find key areas of your store quickly, or even identify regular information that doesn’t change, such as contact info, hours, or prices. Signs that stand for a long time must have information that does not change often.

For example, if you’re a restaurant that serves a particular dish such as Prime Rib, on select days, that would call for a long-term sign. Something that says “Prime Rib Available Every Sunday” It’s clear, gives a message, and might even entice customers to return.

However, information such as rotating menu items, temporary sales, or staff acknowledgments won’t fit well with a long-term sign.

Contact GraphPlex for Commercial Signs

GraphPlex offers sign design and installment for all commercial businesses. We can put together a collection of sign designs, and then help you choose which fits right with a sign standoff display option.

This method of installation is a great way to introduce long-term signage while minimizing the likelihood of your sign being overseen after just a few weeks. Contact GraphPlex now to discuss design and standoff options.

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